- Seduction Poems for Erotic Seduction -
How Could YOU Use Barely Legal Seduction Poems?!?
Hypnotic Poem MP3 Audios: |
If someone you love thinks of you as "just a friend" or, worse yet, they are in love with someone else - or when you just lack the right words to connect with someone you want so intensely...
I don't know you, and only you know which of those descriptions best describes you...
So, please read this entire page before deciding to buy a book of seduction poems and Hypnotic Seduction poetry! (or just watch the video before you decide to buy).
I created the Seduction Poems in "Hypnopoetics..." so I could seduce women.
Believe me, I wasn't thinking about making it easy for others to use seduction poems - it just turned out that way.
Now you too can instantly begin using thie subtle, but incredibly powerful NLP language patterns to get what you want too!
If you can read poetry aloud and if You can imagine yourself secretly (or openly) usong seduction poems to get all that you want from a partner, you obviously want to keep reading.
So, the only question is:How ready are you to create some real Hypno Lust - and get women to do exactly what you want?
OMG!!!! This is amazing! Even this sample worked like magic! Bob |
Are you interested in learning Seduction Poems that will make seduction fun and easy?
Are you tired of not being able to create the desire and passion in a lover that would truly fulfill you?
Are you disappointed when your attempts at seduction come up short? Do you want to have some Hypnotic love spells that really work?
"I have four different women telling me that they love me - and I don't mean "love me like a brother", either! Thank you SS and Seduction Poems ... for obvious reasons, please don't use my name." anon |
Then, I would like to suggest that you take a moment - and remember those feelings you had the last time you fell in love - the last time you felt overwhelming passion for someone.
How happy would you be when you could recreate those feelings anytime, with anyone you wanted?
What kind of change will it make in your life when you can secretly hypnotize someone you wanted, then give them the post hypnotic suggestions that would cause them to want you, to need you, to easily be seduced by you?
Or, better yet, imagine having a book with special phrases that acted almost like magic spells that would make that happen almost instantly?
"I have noticed how positively and seductively they can work on a woman's psyche until she is totally enamored ... Just the other evening I had a woman wanting me so terribly ..." RGB |
Imagine having these phrases and spells were written in such a way as to be beautiful and beguiling modern seduction poetry that was erotic as well as persuasive ... would these be great modern seduction poems for romance ?
Have you ever been so mesmerized by someone, perhaps because they are so attractive, so intriguing, so fascinating, that you find yourself completely absorbed in the conversation?
"Women accept them because of their unobtrusive and romantic nature, without realizing the deep hidden commands that are taking place ..." Richard G. Butler PhD DD |
Perhaps it was their voice, or perhaps it was something you saw when you looked deeply into their eyes.
Whatever it is, something about them has captured your attention so completely that you are totally focused on what they have to say until - suddenly - you know that you will love getting to know them, love finding out what comes next.
Have you thought for a moment ...
That would be a wonderful power to obtain, wouldn't it? Well, guess what... you can have this power and it is as simple as reading them some love poetry.
"The best dating advice for men that I can give would be to get a copy of this book right away, get a woman on the phone and read her some of these poems. Then get ready to spend some very pleasant times together..." Phil G |
For instance, when you want a romantic modern love poem to impress a beautiful woman, should you read a love poem to her telling her how hot she is? How much more impressed will she be when you have convinced her that you are someone who looks beyond her surface appearance and speaks directly to the beautiful person she is inside?
How much more effective will it be when you create beautiful feelings inside her, feelings that she will associate with you? The hypnotic induction "Truly See" on page 29 is designed to do just that.
"Women, in general, are very open to poetic language in the first place, so they are already conditioned to receive an undertone of erotic and sensual messages ..." Richard G. Butler PhD, DD |
Do you want to find a falling in love induction that helps to create the feelings of safety and desire in her that will make it easy for her to be seduced by you? A falling in love induction that leads her to imagine that you are exactly the lover that she has always been looking for ... "Coming to Love" and "Will I Know You" both will program her unconscious to do exactly that.
What about reading her a sexy, erotic modern love poem that helps her remember and experience internally, the body sensations she associates with that passion and desire - a hypnotic induction that slyly gets her visualizing intimate and sexy scenes with you? The hypnotic induction "Manzana" on page 15 is designed to do just that.
"I felt the poetry had a very seductive and luring quality to it." anon |
Have you ever known someone who didn't want to "get involved" with you because they were still heartbroken from a previous love affair? Imaginr that there were a hypnotic induction that helped her get over her broken heart, get past her trust issues and at the same time help her to believe that you are the one they are destined to love? The hypnotic induction "Healing" on page 35 is designed to do just that.
"I used it on a friend and [it affected her so much] she cried." anon |
Do you know a woman that thinks you are "not her type"? Could you challenge her with a forbidden love poem that makes her believe that you have always been lovers? Would it be helpful for her to think of you in this way: Then you need to reprogram her unconscious using "Another Time" on Page 37 and "To Truly See".
Or, do you need a love breakup hypnotic induction that gives closure to both you and your lover and leaves both of you with positive feelings about what happened? Then read her the hypnotic induction titled "Locket on page 38.
"Thank you very much! ... they are very good." anon |
These romantic love hypnotic inductions will capture and lead her imagination, will guide her to the states of mind and emotion that she longs to feel.And when you can do that, you become associated in her mind with those states and emotions ... and she will come to have very positive feelings about you.
"It touched my heart ... I love poetry and I would read it all day, everyday." anon |
As you read this table of contents you will begin to realize the breadth and depth of the influence buying this book will give you over your lover ...
Hypnopoetics... Modern Love Poems and Hypnotic Inductions |
by Phil Billitz |
Table of Contents |
Foreword | i |
Ocean Sunset (click for MP3) | 1 |
Sublimity | 4 |
Milonguero | 5 |
Moment of Grace | 7 |
Right Now (click for MP3) | 9 |
In an Instant | 10 |
Clarity | 12 |
Unvalentine | 14 |
Manzana | 15 |
The Difference | 18 |
Certainly | 21 |
How Will I Know You? | 23 |
Reciprocity | 25 |
Touch | 27 |
To Truly See | 29 |
Lion and the Rose | 31 |
Pegasus | 33 |
Healing | 35 |
Another Time (click for MP3) | 37 |
Locket | 38 |
Request Unfair Advantage!Sign-up here and you will receive free Seduction Poetry from the book "Hypnopoetics ... Modern Love Poems and Hypnotic Inductions" and other information designed to give you Unfair Advantage with Women... |
That's probably what you are thinking. After all, don't you need years of training and a gold watch to swing in front of someone's eyes in order to hypnotize them?
"I might have been skeptical at first, had I not known from personal experience the powerful affects that NLP has on the listener." Richard G. Butler PhD DD |
The stereotypical image of a hypnotist that you see in the movies and on television is only one of many misconceptions about the reality of hypnosis - especially the covert hypnosis techniques used in this Seduction Poetry. Read on to find out what modern hypnosis is really all about.
In the 1990's Ross Jeffries combined the techniques of Hypnosis and NLP into a powerful system to pick up, romance and seduce women known as Speed Seduction™. His techniques do not depend on begging, bullying, or buying a woman's affections - they instead use NLP to capture and lead her imagination.
Ross Jeffries
Ross Jeffries literally wrote the book and developed the techniques of Speed Seduction ™ - using hypnosis and NLP patterns to capture and lead the imagination of women. To create the feelings and emotions that allow a guy to seduce them quickly, efficiently, and predictably. |
He also used NLP techniques to help men overcome whatever psychological barriers they had that were preventing them from success with women.
One of the people that contributed greatly to Ross's seminars and products was Mark Cunningham - a trained hypo-therapist who has since gone on to develop an entire curriculum for training, testing and certifying professional hypnotists.
Mark was instrumental in the development of many of Hypnosis and NLP based dating and seduction methods that have allowed so many guys who are neither rich, famous, or good-looking to become wildly successful with women.
Their work was ground-breaking and very controversial. Many condemned it manipulative and Ross's persona and provocative style added fuel to the fire. and, their undeniable success with using NLP and Hypnosis in seduction has created a seduction subculture with many imitators teaching guys "how to get laid".
No matter what you think of their packaging of the material, they developed several key concepts that are very powerful indeed:
Although Ross and Mark and many other of the seduction "gurus" recommend using Seduction Poetry and quotes for seduction, they rarely gave examples of the kind of poems to use.
Because there just are not many examples of this kind of seduction poems and Hypnotic Seduction Poetry around!
And, although their NLP system definitely works, many people have trouble getting results quickly because of the time it takes to master the delivery and structure of the NLP language patterns.
Now it is easy and quick to use, because those are precisely the same techniques that are used in writing all the Seduction Poems in "Hypnopoetics ..."
"I am absolutely convinced that this beautiful technique works, being a writer of love and sensual poetry anyway, and to use these techniques only firmly cements the intentions deeper into the woman's subconscious mind, that she doesn't realize what is happening, and it is happening nonetheless ..." Richard G. Butler PhD, DD |
If you agree that traditional, modern or classical seduction poetry works (and you do!) then you will realize that this is seduction poetry with an unfair advantage. It has the power to capture the heart and mind of the one you desire.
"When I read one of the poems to a woman, she is always pleased and charmed and thinks of me as a very romantic guy. When I read two of them, she definitely starts getting into it ... . I have never read three or more of these to a woman without ... a follow-up date." Ed B |
Here are a few of the ways in which you will have the awesome power of Hypnopoetics seduction poetry working for you:
When you read seduction poetry to someone, it immediately sets you apart as a sensitive, intelligent person knows how to be romantic and how to please a lover.
The hypnotic inductions do the hypnosis and plant the post-hypnotic suggestions, so you don't have to know a thing about hypnosis.
Because these hypnotic inductions are written with specific meter, rhythm and rhyming, because they will induce a light trance and enhance suggestibility in the listener, you will find them extremely easy and fun to use.
You remain blameless if for some reason they don't like the Seduction Poetry. (I guess this could happen :-( although it has never happened to me.) After all - you didn't write it or say it - you were just quoting what the author has written.
You will be able to slide right in past any resistance by their conscious mind because they will be listening with their guard down. And the author is the authority that they will unconsciously obey.
"They are amazing, and so much fun to read as well, which is another factor that adds to the subliminal message ..." Richard G. Butler PhD, DD |
That's why I call these "barely-legal" seduction poems.
Some people might think that to use covert hypnosis in seduction poetry is manipulative. And there actually have been a few attempts to ban the covert use of NLP language patterns.
These seduction poems are incredibly persuasive and incredibly sneaky, I will grant you that.
One of my favorite sayings is that when someone doesn't want to dance like a chicken, then no amount of hypnosis in the world is going to get them scratching around in the dirt.
Most women want to fall in love, people do want to have the feelings that this seduction poetry creates in them.
And, the fact is, that when you create effects like this in someone, far from feeling manipulated, they feel deep gratitude (and other, more intimate feelings) as you will see below.
"Thank you for these beautiful poems! I really feel the messages originate for your heart center and express the depth of such truths and beauty. You somehow summed up the deepest part of my emotions and feelings ... in ways that I myself had a hard time to verbalize. I read the poems and my heart is touched ... thank you!" Shuntena O |
If you pay close attention, you may realize that these techniques are used every day in the messages that are coming at you from salespeople, marketers, and even politicians.
It is the language of influence and when applied to seduction poetry it is just as powerful and a whole lot more beautiful. So, use this tool wisely - and in a way that will make life better not only for yourself, and also for the people you share it with.
Or rather all about the person you are seducing. Which after all is all about getting what you want. Which is after all, all about you! Get it? Here's what I mean:
Unlike modern poems that are about how quirky, intelligent, witty or sensitive the author might be, this Seduction Poetry is all about the listener - their memories, feelings, emotions and experiences. The hypnotic inductions connect deeply with everyone, because people, at their core, want to be understood.
"... thank you very much for your wonderful work of poetry. I will certainly have a great time reading it, and sharing it with my lady friends ..." RGB |
And unlike seduction poetry that is written from the Point of View of someone who is sappy, whiny, needy, begging or stupid for love; this Seduction Poetry comes from a place of inner strength.
It positions you as someone who is strong, yet vulnerable; aggressive, and not pushy, and understanding without being dependent on the listener's feelings toward you.
Studies have shown that up to 25% of the population is extremely susceptible to hypnosis. Stage hypnotists take advantage of this by determining who in the audience will be a good subject, then selecting them for the demonstrations.
Because almost everyone wants love and passion in their life and because at least one in four of them is very susceptible and because you will quickly learn to recognize and select those people, you can feel confident this romantic Seduction Poetry will work for you.
"I read a half dozen of these poems to a mixed audience of about forty people. By the time I finished, half of the women in the room had their eyes closed with dreamy looks on their faces and almost all of them were smiling. And the guys were looking back and forth from me to the women wondering what was going on ..." Stan B |
So, I'm not saying this Seduction Poetry will work on everyone, there are people who are so lacking in imagination and trust that they won't get it. Those people probably wouldn't be very good as a lover, anyway.
And when only one in four responds, that is soooo much better than how you are doing now, isn't it? Do you really want to lose out on all those possibilities? I don't think so, do you?
So the Question is ...
Some people are able to recognize a powerful tool when they see it. For other people it just becomes another missed opportunity - they never decide now to take action and get what they want.
Maybe they think they don't deserve happiness or that it's not worth the investment of a few dollars and some time to change their life for the better.
How you want to live your life? It's always up to you, and what you are willing to do to get what you want.
Think about it - would it be worth the price of a dinner out to have these powerful, sneaky, tools to use over and over again?
Although it is pretty much the only one like it that you will find.
I do expect and anticipate that there will be other people imitating this technique as time goes on, for right now, This is a One of a Kind Work - the Only One Like It Anywhere!
If you find anything like it, let me know - I'm always happy to learn from people who are like you and me - people who want to be able to create the magic of romance on command.
Besides, when you buy and use my book you might end up feeling greater satisfaction with your love life and you wouldn't want that would you?
You can always keep doing what you have been doing and keep getting the same results. Or ...
You could learn hypnosis and Neuro-Linguistic Programming on your own, then convert all those language patterns into seduction poetry. That's what I did. I'll even tell you how:
It took me several years of studying Hypnosis and NLP, plus many years of experience writing not only Love Poetry, and award-winning radio spots for political campaigns to develop the concepts and techniques I use in these seduction poems.
At a minimum you would have to purchase the Basic Speed Seduction ™ Home Study Course from Ross Jeffries ($298) to get the structure and hear the original verbal versions of the "patterns" that are used.
Plus you would want to attend at least one seminar with Ross or Mark Cunningham ($1195 or more) to understand how to deliver the patterns.
Then you would have to practice, practice, practice to get them memorized and deliver them correctly.
Now, I'm not saying you shouldn't buy those products. You should Do It - I did and those products are great.
SPECIAL OFFER ALERT ON!Why not skip the time and expense of all of that and get into action with delivering NLP seduction patterns immediately?
Simply download this book and start reading the romantic seduction poems and Hypnotic Seduction Poetry to whoever you desire - you will see how well these patterns work and immediately start to enjoy the kind of relationships you have always wanted (and deserved!).
Get What You Want Now!"Hypnopoetics ...Modern Love Poems and Hypnotic Inductions"Even those of you who are already wonderful poets and, like me, have been writing for years, getting the hypnosis, Speed Seduction ™ and NLP training necessary to write this kind of Seduction Poetry is time-consuming and can be very expensive to do on your own. For instance, in order to learn the language patterns you will find in this book, you would have to sign up for a Speed Seduction ™ Home Study Course which would cost you
Lock in the following bonus downloads by ordering by midnight tonight. You owe it to yourself to have all the tools - you need - to successfully enjoy all those wonderful moments and come to the place where romance is back in your life.
Bonus #1 - Sorry, Live Teleseminar no longer available
As a second bonus, I will send you an extra item that you will find very interesting and useful. I have a work in progress, tentatively titled: "Seducer's Guide to Hypnopoetics".
Imagine having a Reader's Guide to the Hypnopoems that you will be using to decide which hypnotic induction to read depending on the stage of the relationship you are in.
I have to be honest, there is a catch ... so far this is definitely a "work in progress". By that I mean that not all the hypnotic inductions are analyzed and I have not finalized the formatting or presentation style.
Once all that is complete, I will be offering it as a companion product to the books above with separate pricing for the Guide. However, because other readers have convinced me this will be of tremendous value to you, I want you to be able to have it right away.
So, when you buy "Hypnopoetics... Modern Love Poems and Hypnotic Inductions" right now, you will have the option to sign up for the current version of the "Seducer's Guide ..."
Bonus #2The Secrets of Hypnopoems Revealed: "The Seducer's Guide to Hypnopoetics"No matter where you are - in the very early stages of a relationship, already intimate, or ready to close it out and move on, "Hypnopoetics..." contains seduction poems and Hypnotic Seduction Poetry that you can use to create the desired emotional states for you. With the "Seducer's Guide", not only will you be able to know instantly which hypnotic induction to use - this Guide also reveals the NLP and hypnosis techniques being used in each of the Hypnopoems. You will learn for each hypnotic induction:
When finalized, this Reader's Guide will be offered at $29.95. Right now, I am offering it as a Bonus when you download the eBook today. Because of the "Work in Progress" nature of this document, buy now and you will also receive the final version at no charge to you. (Value 29.95) Video Intros to "The Seducer's Guide to Hypnopoetics..." |
The form to sign up for this Guide will only be available to those who complete the purchase of "Hypnopoetics... Modern Love Poems and Hypnotic Inductions" right now. It is not available any other way.
You don't have to sign up for this free offer, you can wait a month or so and buy it as a completely developed product. When you are one of the people who purchase "Hypnopoetics..." today, you can can sign up to receive it right away. A $29.95 Value.
So, perhaps you want to share the poems with someone, and don't want them to know that you were using the hypnotic tricks and techniques that are built into "Hypnopoetics...". Maybe you don't want them to think there is anything hypnotic about the poetry at all.
What if they say, "That was a wonderful poem, I love the way it made me feel! Would you email it to me?" Does that mean you are busted?
No, because, as a Bonus, I will provide you with another version of the eBook, entitled "Can You Remember a Time...". This version has no mention of Hypnosis or NLP, and does include some wonderful photographs matched to the hypnotic inductions.
Share it when you need a "sanitized" version that is a wonderful book in and of itself. I have been selling this separately on another website, and when you Act Now you can have it at no additional cost to you. A $49.95 value.
Bonus #3"Can You Remember a Time..." - the "Sanitized" Version of My seduction poems and Hypnotic Seduction PoetryThis eBook is a version of the seduction poems and Hypnotic Seduction Poetry that combines beautiful photographic images with the poetry. It does not mention Hypnosis, NLP, or seduction at all. "Can You Remember a Time..." is included as a Bonus when you purchase "Hypnopoetics... Modern Love Poems and Hypnotic Inductions" today. It has all of the same inductions, with a lot of very cool photographs added, and presented as just another book of romantic poetry. How sneaky is that???(Value: $49.95) |
Bonus #4"Hypnopoetics...Modern Love Poems and Hypnotic Inductions" - an MP3 Audio Book of seduction poems and Hypnotic Seduction PoetryThis audio book contains MP3 recordings of all of the Hypno poems.Use it as a supplement to the "Seducer's Guide" to understand the way the poems should be read or recited for maximum hypnotic effect. Or, women listening to it can enter trace state and enjoy seduction poems. Think how effective this could be to have your lady spend a little time listening to this before you get together. Guaranteed to relax her and put her "in the mood" instantly. (Value: $39.95) |
My Promise to YouI You've got 60 days to think about it, from the date you download now. That should give you plenty of time to use all of the seduction poetry and to experience what it is like to capture the heart of someone special. and to use some of the invaluable bonus material as well. Does that sound fair enough? I hope you think so, because I've been told it's more than fair. If you honestly believe you’re not succeeding with the seduction poems and Hypnotic Seduction Poetry, you get your money back. Simple as that. Guaranteed.Customer Service - Toll Free 877-253-7691 |
Download Your Copy by Midnight Tonight to Lock in Your BonusesSorry, I'm No longer offering the teleseminar. You'll get the eBook "Hypnopoetics... Modern Love Poems and Hypnotic Inductions" - not available anywhere else, for only $49.95. You'll also receive: The "Seducer's Guide to Hypnopoetics" bonus User Guide, (Value: $29.95) The eBook "Can You Remember a Time..." a "sanitized version of the hypno poems (Value: $49.95) And the Audio Book "Hypnopoetics... Modern Love Poems and Hypnotic Inductions"(Value: $39.95) That's a Total Value of $169.80Yet, you can Download the eBook and Bonuses Today for Still Only $49.95__________________________________ Payment Option #1 Use Your Visa, Mastercard, or Discover Card to Purchase and Download Now: __________________________________ Payment Option #2 Use PayPal to Purchase and Download:__________________________________ Payment Option #3 3 Monthly Installments (through PayPal) of only: $16.65Total of all installments: $49.95. Billed automatically by PayPal - Your PayPal invoice will show this as "Subscription to 4 Quartrers Technology, LLC". __________________________________ Customer Service - Toll Free 877-253-769 |
One other thing I feel compelled to tell you about:
Although they are a source of great inspiration to me, as far as I know, neither Ross Jeffries nor Mark Cunningham have read, endorsed or authorized this work in any way. It is a tool created in the same spirit, that uses the same technology and provides an unbelievably rapid way to master the delivery of hypnotic language patterns.
As such, you will find it extremely useful in getting the romance and passion in your life that you really want - whether you are a student of Speed Seduction ™ or just someone who is ready, now, to enhance your romance beyond your previous expectations.
I always stand here with the simple goal of your success. I've worked hard to make it apparent to you that there is a big change coming in your life by using this modern seduction poetry. Please, don't miss this opportunity.
Helping you get what you really want...
P.S. In these tough economic times, you may be thinking twice before buying anything. I am the same way, something has to be really exceptional (or absolutely essential) to make me reach for my wallet, too.
That's why I believe there is no better place to invest than in your ability to succeed with women... you'll never lose that in the stock market.
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And, with just a few clicks you will be Downloading "Hypnopoetics..." and your Bonuses, and be on your way to enhanced romance...
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